A Data Science Project Quick-Start Guide

Posted on Mon 07 March 2022 in Data Science, Project Planning, Productivity, Business Value, Business Goals, Data Products

Why care about how to start a Data Science project?

When new to Data Science, starting a project often means that one wants to be as innovative as possible and apply the newest and fanciest tech and Data Science solutions.By focusing only on the trendy technological, statistical and machine …

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Machine Learning Deployment and Operations - A Product Recommendation Engine Deployed and Tracked with a Local Machine Learning - Workbench

Posted on Tue 15 February 2022 in Machine Learning Deployment, MLOps, Recommendation Engine, MLflow, Containerization

Train & Serve a Machine Learning Model as a Microservice using Docker and Track the Model-Performance with MLflow

Let's build a recommendation engine with a collaborative filtering model, track the model results with MLflow and use Flask to serve batch-predictions of related products other users may like as well


One …

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An Introduction to Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Inference

Posted on Mon 10 January 2022 in Machine Learning, Gaussian Processs, Bayesian Inference

Gaussian Process Regression

A Gaussian process model is a probabilistic supervised machine learning model that can be used for regression, classification, among many other things. A Gaussian process regression (GPR) model makes predictions incorporating prior knowledge. Being a Bayesian method, it can provide uncertainty measures of the predictions. E.g …

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